
To get you on your way to booking radio interviews and getting thousands of dollars in free publicity using media, I have put together 4 steps to help you, I hope it gives you some guidance. Wayne Kelly


STEP 1 – The 5 Magic Topics

Many people wonder what the media is looking for when it comes to the needs of listeners. The Magic 5 Topics of Morning shows worldwide are:

  • Food
  • Kids
  • Pets
  • Money
  • Love

BUT getting booked on the radio is more than pitching any of these 5 topics to a producer.

Radio and TV are about educating and entertaining. If you show a producer that you can do either, you have a better chance of getting a ton of Publicity for free.

The number one mistake authors make when pitching to a radio or TV station for an interview — they ask to be on the show because they have a new book. Producers don’t care that you have a new book! They want listeners and viewers to stay on their station for five more minutes. IF they find something or someone who can help them achieve this, then they will put you on the radio or TV.

For example, if your book is about children not being able to socialize anymore because they spend too much time in front of computers or TV’s, try packaging an idea like this:

“Millions of teenagers have lost social skills because they’ve spent too much time on x-box’s, wii’s, or computers. Joan Smith has five tips on how to re-socialize your teen without having them hate you.”

Do you see how that has a better chance of hooking a producer?

  1. You’ve identified a problem.
  2. You’ve told me it’s a big problem.
  3. And you’ve offered a solution.

Once you start thinking education, problem, and solution…all while being entertaining…then I’ll book you on my show!


STEP 2 – The Media Release

Unless you are extremely lucky, most of the time you will have to contact the media about interviews. As I have said before, 10,000-plus shows are looking for content for tomorrow’s shows (not to mention podcasters, Internet radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, and any other media I may not have mentioned…). If you can be a resource and help them out with a story idea…why wouldn’t they book you and give you publicity?

The next piece of the PR Puzzle is your press release. BUT BEWARE: What you send to the media when trying to book interviews is different then the typical press release you may create for PR web companies or traditional news releases.

Press releases used for getting media bookings need to be short sweet and simple. Personally, after the first paragraph I know whether I am booking you as a guest or not. And I continue reading after that first paragraph to make sure you are credible…and are the right person to do the interview.

Here are some examples of the new press releases that work. Notice how short they are.


For an inspiring interview talk to —– Stefan Doering

— Author of “Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneur’s Soul”

He’s one of New York City’s success stories. As a young businessman Doering was way ahead of the Green curve when he created EARTH GENERAL. His life changed when he was struck by a car while crossing the street. It left him comatose and hospitalized. Doctors said he’d lost his sight, his hearing, and his ability to walk. His life became a constant challenge. Interview Stefan about how he recovered in 87 days after setting his goal. It’s an inspiring story. Call 555-555-7688


Here’s another…

There are lots of dating services on the Internet.

But only one designed for…Rednecks. is like an online Honky Tonk. It’s a place where men and women who aren’t ashamed to be called rednecks can find each other – and maybe start a redneck relationship. Post your picture (preferably wearing a cowboy hat) and personal rednecky details, sit back, and wait for attractive rednecks to get in touch. Red Neck and Single Dot Com creator Kevin McIntosh is an experienced radio guest, and very entertaining.

To request an interview… Send mailto:


STEP 3 – What Do Producers Want from YOU

Wouldn’t it be great to hear from the Top Morning Producers and find out what they really want?

Because I am in the media, I have many producers calling into my classes and sharing with my clients all the secrets to getting in touch with them.

Enjoy this interview with an ex-Morning Producer Chad Exley from one of the Hot Radio Markets.


STEP 4 – Make Contact

Yes this is where the magic happens if you have done all the prep work. So who are you going to call?

I have included a list of 40 radio shows that do interviews by phone. (Now remember, radio staff are constantly changing so if the host I have listed is no longer with the station just find out who has taken over and pitch them.)

(Click and Print, or Save to your computer)

NOTE: Never pitch the Program director or the general manager. Pitch the host or co-host and most times they are the ones that decide of the topic is a fit or not.

Here’s a tip that will get them to open your email…in the subject line put….



So how do you feel? Could you do it? Can you be the next great radio guest getting booked all over the planet?

This might seem like an overwhelming project but when we work together…I’ll remove the confusion, fear, and overwhelm that most people have when it comes to Media Publicity!

Here are just a few places my clients have been featured – You could be Next!

I’ll talk to you soon!

Wayne Kelly