100 Media Interviews Booked!

100 Interviews booked!

Can you imagine, you launch your new book and then you start pitching media and suddenly you have 100 interviews booked?

Is this even possible?

Relationships are an easy sell for a radio show but only if you hook media with a topic that listeners NEED to hear.

Jackie Lapin is a wonderful publicist who has been pitching me for years. She sent me an email last week with the subject line that read: Guest For Your Show…Need More Love & Less Conflict in Your Intimate Relationship?

This hook was good enough that I said YES to booking this guest.

A week later, the guest sends me a note saying, he’s been swamped with over 100 interview requests!
WOW – 100 interviews? That’s a lot!

What makes this topic so strong? I want to share the 3 key pieces that led to this success.

1. Needing love and Less conflict is relate-able for almost every couple listening to the radio! So that’s an easy check mark.

2. The email shared a few very simple talking points that listeners can use immediately to improve their relationship. There’s another easy check mark – because the guest is going to give you advice and improve your relationship EVEN if you don’t buy his book.

3. The Guest has great credentials. He’s already been on many TV and Radio shows. This is a perfect 3/3 for check marks because – we assume if he’s already been on a ton of shows, he must be really good and he can deliver what he is promising.

It is critical to understand – you if you have a solution to a problem that affects millions of people – media will pay attention.

You also need to let us know what you will discuss and that you have the credentials to back up your information.
Sometimes your pitch will completely miss the mark and no-one will respond. But don’t give up. Keep re-tweaking and pitching your media ideas.

Once you hook a couple radio interviews, the rest can follow very quickly.
Good Luck out there!