Motivational Monday – Robin Sharma

I started Motivational Mondays in January of 2004 and have spoke with some of the most amazing people on the planet. Every Monday here on OAP, I will feature a different Motivational Interview.

Our first feature is with Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma

His book 'the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari' is a must read. I LOVED this book!

Robin's books have been embraced by political leaders such as former Israeli prime minister and Nobel prize winner Shimon Peres, Major League sports superstars including Carlos Delgado (who said The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari was the most inspirational book he’s read), San Francisco Giants player Jose Cruz Jr., Hollywood Star Michelle Yeoh (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) and the quarterback for the New York Giants, Jesse Palmer. Pop star Ricki Martin is a reader of Robin Sharma's books. Jon Bon Jovi is rumored to be a big fan of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

Here is my interview with Robin where he gives you his 3 day Live Your Best Self Workshop in 3 minutes!

This interview is from the 52 Motivational Interviews Project, 52 amazing interviews to inspire you! Click HERE NOW. for details.
Thanks and Happy Monday!
Wayne Kelly