Could He Really Be America's #1 Life Coach?

This week I received an email from a man wanting to be on my radio show. The opening line was – Interview America's #1 Life Coach.
Followed by:

Hello Wayne Kelly!

Darryl Mobley here. What are your listeners going to do now to make sure they have their best year ever? What one thing will mean the difference in actually achieving their goals rather than chalking them up to yet another year's unfulfilled resolutions? What can they do to enhance an aspect of their lives that they've neglected in the past?

The topic is the perfect topic for the first week of January. BUT could Darryl really be as good as his claim? That's a really bold statement.

I thought he's either really good – or he'll be terrible.
But because he was the only person who pitched my show on how to make 2015 the best ever, I booked him.

And was I ever glad I did!

He was fantastic. He didn't talk to much. He offered great solutions. He was funny. And he was confident.
I was so impressed, that Darryl will be coming back as a regular on the Wayne and Jayne show through out 2015.

Take a listen my chat with Darryl live on my morning show.