HOT topic for Dietitians and Nutritionists

Registered Dietitians and Nutritionists, PLEASE build a relationship with your local media! WE NEED YOU at least once a month coming on the show to help us understand food!

I saw this story from the World Health Organization and thought it could easily get you a ton of free PR.

WHO: THE NUMBER OF OVERWEIGHT CHILDREN TO DOUBLE IN NEXT DECADE: Obesity is a growing problem, and now the World Health Organization (WHO) says that that over the next decade the number of children under age 5 worldwide who are overweight or obese will jump from 41 million to 70 million. The WHO's Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity says world governments need to start working to reverse the trend, noting that children's environments are increasingly saturated with marketing for unhealthy foods and non-alcoholic beverages. Sania Nishtar, co-chair of the commission says in a press release, "Overweight and obesity impact on a child's quality of life, as they face a wide range of barriers, including physical, psychological and health consequences." (UPI)

So what would be the topics you could share?
Late night snacks
The best and worst Cereals
Pop and kids under 5
Things we think are healthy but aren't
The list can go on and on…
