Hot Topic – Selena & Junk Food

Here's a hot topic for nutritionists…and you can even use a Celebrity name so the media pays attention to you.
Last week, 18-year-old Selena Gomez fell ill and was taken to the hospital. She later told fans that she was treated for exhaustion and malnourishment.

Today she was on the Kidd Kraddick's radio show in Texas and admitted she needs to cut back on the snacks, and said that her mum has stepped in to help her make better food choices.

Selena said to Kidd "I do eat. The problem is I don't eat right. I love everything that's possibly not good for me."
"I love M&Ms, Kit Kats, Snickers and Goobers at the movies."

So with her mum's help, (and watchful eye) she is on the path to recovery.

What a great topic to get you booked on media all over the world. We all know teens and young adults don't eat very healthy (oh heck – I don't even eat healthy) so maybe we can learn from Selena Gomez.
If you have anything to do with healthy eating…this is a great opportunity…I would be sending your media releases to CHR stations in your area.

If you need help, I'm always here to get you booked on the radio!
Wayne Kelly