Learn from the Apprentice

It's funny the places where one can learn about success in radio publicity.

Last week's episode of The Apprentice did a great job of showing what it takes to connect with an audience. If Donald Trump drives you crazy and you just can't stand to watch the show…here's what happened.

Two teams went into a TV studio and auctioned off bands like The Barenaked Ladies, Simple Plan, and Gene Simmons on an 11-minute segment at a TV station.

Now, the educational part was in how the On-Air aspect of the auction was taken to another level by the apprentice teams becoming characters for their audience. They weren't boring business people but rather transformed into Hip Happening VJ's on a mission.

They spoke the language of the demo they were trying to target and most importantly matched the energy of the show hosts.

When your successful radio publicity campaign has you on radio stations like Z100 New York or KIIS in LA, you will need to match the energy of the host, otherwise you will come across as a dud.

It may feel unnatural but, practice speaking at a higher energy than you’re used to and see if it works. Hey why not pretend you’re a DJ.

One final piece to this puzzle, you will be amazed at how your interviews will improve if you take a few moments to checkout the radio show online and then match your interview to that same level!
Good Luck