National Chocolate Cake Day

Today is National Chocolate Cake Day! This morning on my radio show we discussed it as being a very happy and delicious day! Then I see the TV show "Good Morning America" also celebrating this wonderful day by inviting viewers to submit their favorite chocolate cake recipes.

Three viewers were chosen to come to New York to reveal the secrets behind their tasty confections and participate in a cake tasting with members of the New York City-New Jersey Bakers Club Bakers Club. Chef Rocco DiSpirito, author of “The Negative Calorie Diet,” joined in on the festivities.

National Days like this are a great way to get publicity for you! Maybe it's a TV spot on your local station. Maybe it's a spot on your local radio station.

The point is, the easiest way for you to get on their to tell thousands of people what you do is by piggybacking off a national story.
Might be a great topic for a chocolate company or local chocolate store to explain the difference in the many types of chocolate. OR it could also be a story for Nutritionists. And try to make it fun!