Off the Record – Doesn't Exist Anymore!

With all the harassment cases we’ve seen in the past few months, plus the recordings and videos surfacing with proof of wrong doing –
I just want to remind you that in 2017/18 – OFF THE RECORD doesn’t exist.

If you say something stupid it can possibly be used against you. Pending on your stature in the community or in your country.

Of course I'm talking about high up officials or celebrities.

If you are on a radio show, podcast, tv interview, video, or anytime there is a microphone or camera near you – assume anything you say or do will be recorded and can be used against you at anytime.

In our radio studios we have no swearing policies – and because you never know if a room is live or a mic was left on by accident.

So do yourself a big favor – always assume you are live AND everything you say – is ON the record!