Screen Violence is BAD for kids – when will parents get it???

This is a GREAT topic for radio!

As parents, my wife and I were very strict about what video games or TV shows our children could watch. BUT I was shocked at how many young kids were allowed to play Grand Theft Auto, or the War Killing games! Why in the world do parents allow this into their homes?

It does have an affect….here's the story that came out this week:

SCREEN VIOLENCE, WHETHER FICTIONAL OR REAL, IS BAD FOR KIDS: The American Academy of Pediatrics said in a policy statement Monday (July 18th) that any kind of screen violence, whether fictional in video games, TV shows and movies, or real, in news coverage, is harmful to kids. The report says screen violence is associated with aggressive behavior, aggressive thoughts and angry feelings in children, calling it "quite traumatic for children, regardless of age," who can have an increase in nightmares, sleep disturbances and general anxiety.

The statement said the effect is in the small to moderate range, but said that's equivalent to the link between lung cancer and secondhand smoke. The authors called on parents to reduce children's exposure to on-screen violence, and reassure them during times of violence in the news that there are still mostly good people in the world.

The statement also called for the federal government to create its own media rating system, instead of relying on the entertainment industry's rating of violent content in games, movies and TV.

IF this fits under your umbrella of expertise – I bet you could get a ton of interviews…if you need my help with a media release…contact me.