Stressed about the Election? Try this…

Talk about a great radio topic! We dove into this story from FOX news today on the Morning Show. Wayne

Therpatists report their patients have complained of difficulty sleeping, irritability and heart palpitations.

Nancy Molitor, a clinical psychologist from just outside of Chicago, Illinois says, "I've never seen this level of stress and anxiety over an impending election in my 26 years [of practicing.]"

Philip Muskin, a professor of psychology at Columbia University Medical Center says the anxiety among his patients reminds him of the aftermath of the September 11th, 2001 terror attacks, Muskin notes the election and these other stressful events have one thing in common, saying, "Things where, for everybody, these sense of control is gone." (Fox)

If the presidential election has you stressed out you should take up yoga. That's what some therapists in the U.S. are telling patients who are stressed out by the race for the White House.