How to Expand Your Brand with a Book

I have never done a book review before and I don’t mean this to be one…but I have to share some insights I leaned after reading Social Boom by Jeffery Gitomer. The book is all about how to master business social media. I have pages and pages of notes from this book….and am now working to implement what I learned. In my notes I have an action plan, changes that need to be made, and a ton of links to other sites.

If you are writing a book, you need to see how Jeff uses his book to build his networks. I couldn’t wait til the end to sign up for his newsletter, become a fan of his FB page, and follow him on Twitter.

Authors need to remember a book is a business card. Use that book to showcase yourself as an expert. And BUILD your brand and your following. I know you many people say they know that already…but to know and to do – well, that’s the secret of success isn't it?