Use a current news story for your own media attention

For today’s podcast let’s talk about the power of a piggyback story.
As radio host, this is one of the most important piece of your PR Puzzle.
Why? Because it makes you relevant to some current events story.
My example today is something I saw on the news yesterday.

It said,

Wanna lose weight? Break out the pencil and paper. In a study, those
who kept track of all they ate and drank lost about twice as much
weight as those who did not keep track.

To be completely honest with you…I am bored to tears doing any
weight loss interviews because does anything really help? If you
want to lose weight, you can lose it…if you don’t really want to…
then you will continually fail. But anyway, this new study about
tracking is a great common sense approach and it’s a fresh concept.
Even though, if you’ve ever worked out before, tracking your diet
is a common practice.

So my advice is, take your fitness ideas and wrap them around this
new study and I guarantee you will get media attention from every
local radio, TV, and newspaper outlet. If it makes CNN, then all the
small locals want to do a story for their local market.

That’s my publicity tip d’jour.
Wayne Kelly

To find out the 6 steps to getting free media publicity go to