Today I Rant

I appreciate every email, every web visitor, and every person who trusts me enough to sign up for my free mini-course (On the right side of your screen). I appreciate every phone call and business lead…so what is up with these so called Publicists and trainers who won't return an email or a phone call????…

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Baking Chocolate is better

Hey, I know chocolate. My fav is the new KitKat followed up with Crispy Crunch, Coffee Crisp and Smarties But the absolute best is… Sneaking the Chocolate chips from my wifes baking cupboard (she hates it when I do that) but Man they taste awesome! Why does chocolate tasts so much better when you sneak…

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30 Days to Radio Success

If you have any desire to use radio to spread the message about you, your book, your coaching system, whatever, then you are invited to my Nov 8th course. Now let me warn you. The price is very inexpensive. I just finished an incredible program called Book Yourself Solid and as a favor and thanks…

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How To Deal With People You Can't Stand

Jessica Simpson was photographed with a copy of the book "How To Deal With People You Can't Stand" by Rink Brinkman. The book was very popular with coaches who have tried to bolster team spirit in the workplace. IF you've read my blogs, e-book or been in my seminars, you know the importance of piggybacking…

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Media Release Example

One of the key ingredients to having a successful radio campaign is the media release. The Duct Tape Guys do it right. I know exactly where they are going with the interview. Easy = Getting on the radio. Sample Media release: DUCT TAPE IS HALLOWEEN ON A ROLL!!!! Why go out and buy an expensive…

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