A storm always equals Publicity

This week a huge storm blew through my listening area. Trees were down all over the place. Cars and trucks were crushed. Houses we damaged. Flash Flooding. It was a wild adventure…and some people were without power for 2-3 days.

This of course became the hot topic on our morning show. We asked our listeners:
Where were you when the storm hit? What did you see? Do you have power?

And after we knew everyone was safe, then the topic of emergency preparedness began.

If you are an expert that can offer help or some ideas that save people – please don't keep it to yourself. See, this isn't about promotion – it's about helping. BUT by helping in a bad time, people will remember you in a good time. The media always needs guest in a moments notice when something like this happens.

NEVER hesitate to call a radio or TV station to offer your advice or solution.
We would have gladly talked to an emergency preparedness expert in a heartbeat. Because this week, people are prepared to take action and create a kit that could come in handy for the next storm.
Wayne Kelly