How Running Saved my Business

Today’s post has nothing to do with publicity, but I think what I learned since my first run might be relatable to others.

I have been struggling with a secret and I didn’t know if it’s something to share or not…. but at the beginning of this year – I quit my business. I lost my mojo and was sick of what the internet marketing world has become. And if I saw another picture of some slick dude and his sports car in front of a mansion – telling us how much money they made on their first product launch – I was going to lose it!

I felt angry. And Fed up.

I worked with only a handful of clients but outside of an hour here or an hour there and the occasional newsletter – I was free. I’d finish my radio show at 11 am and spend every afternoon and evening doing whatever I felt like doing.

Living in an outdoor paradise hiking and cycling have always been a part of our family’s lifestyle. My wife and I usually cycle around 3000 miles a year (5000 km) but this year – we just couldn’t get excited about another long season on the bikes.

Then on March 11, my 22 yr old daughter challenged me to do a 5 km run with her. (She – loves running) And until that point I only ran to the dinner table! BUT what kind of father would I be if I wimped out and said no. So, against all better judgement I said yes!

I did the first run/walk in 42 minutes. Holy crap – that was hard! At least on a bike you get to coast down hill or on some of the flats…not so with running!

Two days later I tried to beat that 42 minute time and get a 5km down to about 30 minutes.

And then my wife dropped a bombshell

She had secretly started running a few months before me. WHAT!!! After 2 knee surgeries – we had no idea she would ever run again. (She was a runner back in high school)
So, with our Nike Run app and the 3 of us now competing with each other – our new life as runners had begun.

UNTIL my knees – started KILLING!

I stopped by the Running Room and asked if maybe I was too fat too run. They said no but they did say I had the wrong shoes.

Then I did something crazy – I added vegetables and salad to my diet and cut out French fries and pop.

BUT to really get a handle on how many calories I was eating I used the My Fitness Pal app.
I would enter all my food and exercise and when it said I was done eating…I was either done – or I’d have to go for a run.

I didn’t go low carb. I still had some nachos on the weekend. I’d even have the occasional rum and Pepsi. BUT my portion sizes made all the difference.

I had no idea how much I was over eating.

Now I can’t tell you I dropped a ton of weight and ran my first marathon – but I did learn something.

By taking action steps daily on eating and running…I did drop 22 lbs and am now in better shape than I have been in 15 years. PLUS, I was on the scale weekly to track my progress. (I lost 2 lbs a week and didn’t feel like I was dieting.)

Also, I watched the Netflix documentary from Fat to Finish. Those runners inspired me a lot!
October 28th My wife and I ran our first timed community race and finished 5 km in 26:01 minutes.

For next season, we have our sites on a 10km race, a 13km run in Spokane for Bloomsday, and maybe a ½ marathon in September! (I don’t know if I let her know about that yet)
Thanks to running – I’m excited about life and business once again!

So, get ready for the new and improved Wayne 2.0 – as I’m now doing business like I learned to run. It’s strategic and I have action steps to do daily in order to make my goals come true.
In fact, the biggest difference in my business today is that I judge myself on the action I take instead of the results I get.

In closing, let’s all commit to taking some action this week! Enough planning – like Nike says – JUST DO IT!

And if you need a guest for your podcast or radio – show – I’m available anytime! Because using interviews to build my business is now going to be my #1 strategy!

Thanks for your support and for reading this!

PS if you have any running questions – I'm far from an expert but If I can help you in anyway – don't hesitate to drop me a note!