I eat processed meats – am I going to DIE???

This story has taken off today:

The World Health Organization is classifying processed meats like ham and sausage in the same category as cigarettes.
Based on an evaluation of more than 800 studies from several continents, it says processed meats can lead to colon and other cancers, and that red meat is probably cancer-causing as well.

The W-H-O report backs up long-standing warnings by doctors and many government agencies, but meat industry groups argue cancer is not caused by specific foods but by several factors.

Did you freak when you saw this story?

It was what all the mom’s at the radio station were discussing this morning. They were concerned about what to feed their children as they were sending them off to school with a lunch. Geesh, I think we had bologna or ham sandwiches every day for lunch for 12 years!

This is a PERFECT topic for any Registered Dietitian or Nutrition expert to grab a ton of local publicity from. I see this is already all over TV – so don’t wait. Create a media release and send it to the radio shows in your city.

Focus on moms and kids lunches. Maybe share how often a ham sandwich is OK or offer some suggestions on healthy lunch options.

If you need help creating this media release – contact me asap and I’ll help you create something amazing! Imagine having 40,000 people tune in to hear what you have to say about this topic that already has people talking. What if 50 of them head to your website for more information…and then 5 of them become new clients?

And if you do an interview on the local morning show, it won’t cost you anything to help families!
Good Luck and please let me know how it goes!