Social Media is a Goldmine for Radio

If you want radio interviews, the easiest way to get them is to make sure you are connected with radio hosts on twitter and facebook. Email is often scanned and filter either by our assistants or the gatekeepers of the show. But social media is almost always a direct connection with the host.

Make sure you join me on Twitter and Facebook on the top right hand side of this blog…because I am searching for interview guests through these avenues more and more.

An example, tomorrow is the Royal Wedding. So I went to twitter to ask if any Brits can call my radio show tomorrow to discuss what's happening. I LOVE connecting with real people about these kind of real stories.

I just sent out the tweet so who knows how many people will respond…but I do know someone is getting on tomorrow morning. And I don't care what they do…BUT at the end of the interview, I will ask them who they are and what they do and they will get free publicity out of the deal.

Does life get easier??? Again, make sure we are connected, because you never know when I will be looking for you to be a guest on my radio show!
Wayne Kelly