Trump spending money on Radio ads over TV

I saw this today from a Radio trade email The Mouth and I think it really proves that radio is back as an incredibly powerful medium to reach the common people!

Donald Trump's campaign manager confirmed the Republican Presidential candidate's first foray into paid advertising will commence with 60-second radio ads in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina over the next two weeks reports The New York Times.

The news comes following a wave of so-called; earned media, not to mention his upcoming appearance on this weekend's SNL which will likely draw HUGE ratings. Meanwhile, no word yet on whether Trump will buy advertising on any other platform, however, late Wednesday, Trump’s campaign put out a news release saying the radio buy is “valued at $300,000″ and would last through the end of November.

With stats proving that nearly 90 of people over the age of 12 listen to radio every week – it is the number one medium for content. It has even surpassed TV.

Real People listen to radio. Can you solve a problem for them? If you can show you are the solution to a real current problem, radio shows would love to interview you!
Wayne Kelly