Free Publicity Newsletter March 2010

LISTEN to the On-Air Publicity March Newsletter

The next On Air Publicity Course: “Get as Much Publicity in the Media as you want!” starts Tuesday, April 6th, 2010.  This is not a gimmick. It’s not flashy…But it IS practical how-to advice that can save you thousands AND show you how to pitch the media.

More importantly, you will learn how to be relevant…and that’s what gets you booked!  Details at the bottom of this email.


Today’s newsletter is focused on what I believe is the most import aspect of publicity – The interview.

1. Don’t embellish if you can’t deliver!

As a Radio host, there are 2 key elements I always look for when it comes to booking a guest on my show – entertainment factor and educational coverage.

I need my guests to teach my listeners…but in an entertaining way! 

About a month ago I talked with a publicist who sold me on a guest by saying, “This guy is fun and really entertaining.” So I was excited to talk with the guest. But when he came on the show, he was missing those two elements I really wanted: Fun factor and entertainment. (I would change the words to describe that guest as: DULL AND BORING!)  So why does this matter?  Well, am I going to trust this publicist again?  Not likely! Was it a bad interview?  No, but I was expecting one style and it turned into something completely different.  So if you sell yourself as being something – make sure you deliver…or it could hurt your chances of returning to the show.

#2 When the Media Avoids you…there’s a problem!

Will most media take the time to tell you where you went wrong?  No way!  They will just avoid you.

I had a guest come on and talk about dreams.  I have some very weird dreams so I thought this would be a fun interview.  Boy was I wrong.  The guy seemed to be holding back on his information and didn’t jump in and have fun with our show.  I was kind of surprised because he sold himself as being a regular radio guest.  So when he called back and asked if he could come on again…well, I just wanted to avoid him.  But I knew I had to tell him.  He was surprised with my critique but thanked me. He seemed grateful so I said I would give him another chance… And he did not disappoint!  He did a really great job the second time!  In fact, he was so much better, I asked him to be on my show every month. 

If you aren’t seeing results, and radio shows won’t book you again, then you need some tweaks. But don’t be surprised if no one will tell you the truth. 

#3 Celebrity book interviews.

Harley Pasternak is a celebrity fitness trainer who has worked with Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry to Jessica Simpson, John Mayer and many more…listen how he keeps the interview focused on his book. –

Coolio, yes the rapper from the 80’s is out with a cookbook.  I must admit I was a fan of his reality show about a rapper raising a family in the burbs. But here’s our chat.

***NEW SERVICE*** How would you like to have your own Podcast in itunes?  Do you have a message that you can update weekly?  I bet you do. Having a quality podcast done in studio quality will brand you as the true expert. Listen to my seminar on Radio Guy Secrets for Hosting Your Own Podcast/ Radio Show –

***Starts Tuesday April 6th – a 6-week Publicity training program for authors and experts who want to get their own media publicity. You will be able to create media releases, pitch any media, and be an amazing interview that drives people to your website!

I hope to see you soon, on the Radio!

Wayne Kelly