Publicity News May 2010

The On Air Newsletter for May 2010

  1. Opening Band
  2. Magic in the Follow Up
  3. Podcasting
  4. Funny Video


Just sit back and Listen to the Newsletter!


1) Can an Author be like an opening band?

Last week I went to the Tim McGraw/Lady Antebellum show in Spokane. A band called ‘Love and Theft’ opened for them.  As they played their hearts out for 20 minutes I was really impressed and, judging by the applause, most of the crowd felt the same as I did.  At the end of their set they told the crowd that after the show was finished they could be found in section 121 signing autographs and taking pictures with anyone who wanted.

This really impressed me.  They were doing everything they could to increase their exposure.

I was thinking authors ought to be doing the same thing when promoting their books.  After all, whether you signed a deal or self-published, you have to get out and promote yourself!

What’s the best way to make this happen? Using Media of course.  You need to get featured in your local paper. You need to do book signings. You need to get on radio. Each exposure provides another opportunity for people to care about you AND your book.

Love the journey!  But don’t think you can sit back and media will come to you.  Don’t think your publisher will promote you.  It is all up to you!  YOU are in charge of your success.  So tell everyone about your book, your product and your service.  Stand in front of other people’s traffic and listeners – just like the new opening band stands in front of the big audience – the returns will surprise you.

My daughter and I meeting Lady Antebellum. I won Dad of the year because of this!

2) Magic in the Follow Up

Last week Sean Aiken, eager to share what was happening to him, sent me an email asking to return to my radio show. (Sean did a project called 1-week job, completing 52 jobs over the year.  At the end of his journey he got a book deal AND was told his journey will become a documentary.) Sean was originally on my show when he began the 52 jobs.

Now, as a radio host, I LOVE people coming back on my show to tell us how their journey ends. (It’s like a completion to a story.)  Since our first chat, Sean has been on CNN, Rachel Ray, CBC National, 20/20, Good Morning America and hundreds of radio shows.

How did he get all this publicity?  He created something different and told the media.

We are told again and again how media creates hype and makes the person a celebrity.

It can happen to you too. But you have to start with your first interview. (Which happens to be the hardest interview to get. But after that, your journey will begin!)

Listen to Sean’s interview

3) Podcasting is easy and fun!

You are missing out on a great marketing tool if you are not podcasting.  Nothing gives your business credibility like having the itunes logo on your website where people can listen and learn about you and your services!!

Being in the media, I can have a killer podcast produced for you and can coach you on how to do it so people will listen.  Having a great podcast is waaaay easier than doing a weekly Internet radio show—because it doesn’t have to be long.  As a media personality I can tell you it is difficult to get listeners to pay attention for more than three minutes (never mind 30 minutes or an hour).  NOBODY has time to sit around listening to someone ramble on for an hour!  But when you have a punchy three-to-eight-minute podcast, that can be taken on a morning job or commute, it’s magic!

So far I’m producing for:

  • Motivational Speakers,
  • A Political Commentator
  • A Canadian Pediatric Doctor
  • A Music Business Coach
  • Financial Advisers
  • Entrepreneurial Marketers…
  • And I’d love to work with you too!

I’m about to launch this in a big way…soon…and I want more testimonials and success stories.  Would you like to be one of them?  Just email me and we’ll connect.

4) Funny Video

You may have seen this video already but it made me laugh!  Enjoy!
MORE Wayne…

Want to Podcast? Get started NOW and we’ll do the work!Ever person walking around with an ipod is a potential client!!!

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Radio Host, Media Coach Wayne Kelly

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