Motivational Monday with Dr. Stephen Lafay

STOP SHOULDING ALL OVER YOURSELF… 2009 IS OUR YEAR TO SHINE! In Chinese, the word crisis is represented with 2 characters… DANGER and OPPORTUNITY. Challenging times provide the opportunity to go within and then rebuild based on who we really are. In a time when so many dread Manic Monday, survive Hump day Wednesday, and…

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If a Cabby Can do it!

Here's a guest I never get tired of interviewing…even after 11 years! There is not another person on the planet that I have talked to more than The Gabby Cabby, Mr. Peter Franklin! To make his living, Peter Franklin drives a yellow cab in New York City. As he makes his way around the city,…

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What your Phone Message says About YOU!

I recently called a potential radio guest after receiving her media release. Everything looked great. It was a topic that was a perfect fit for my listeners on the Wayne and Jayne show. So I called her up to arrange the interview and I was horrified when I heard her phone message. I don’t know…

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Motivational Monday with Nido Qubein

As you start 2009, I'm sure you are planning on creating the greatest year of your life. I am still working on my vision board but I think I am almost set. I even found a coach who I am excited to be working with this year…I'll introduce you to her soon. Every Monday on…

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Holidays Rock!

I just want to send out a huge happy holiday hug to you for your support! When it comes to Christmas holidays I spend them avoiding work. My family spends the time watching movies, skiing, playing street hockey, building huge forts in the snow, and eating! And now that all our ski hills are open,…

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