Motivational Monday – David Mattson

This Monday we'll motivate you with David Mattson talking about "Five Minutes with VITO" If you do any selling and need to make sales to the Top Officer, VITO is the book and interview for you. Enjoy my interview with David. Wayne Kelly Click Play to LISTEN NOW! PPS For the Secret Formula of what…

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Will Your Book Stand Out in a Bookstore?

I am amazed by the number of books in a bookstore. If you just put it on the shelf and wait for people to stumble in to buy it…you might not do so well. Here I am at Barnes & Noble Spokane WA.

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Radio Publicity Means Meet Your People

Walk through any mall and those are your customers. What do they want to hear about right now? Figure it out and they'll buy your product!

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Radio Publicity – Is this a Good Time?

Yesterday something happened to my websites and everything disappeared. And I mean everything: email, website, blog…everything. So I was on with Tech support trying to resolve the problem when a phone call comes in from a Publicist. Being that I was in crisis mode, I was answering phones hoping for great news from someone on…

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Publicity coaching makes me feel…WOW!!!

We just finished another media training class and I feel amazing! I get such a high dealing with clients and friends who are motivated to inspire the world. I feel like the luckiest guy on the planet! It feels sad to say good bye after our final call because we feel such a connection…or is…

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