Media Moves at the Speed of Sound (almost)

AS a radio host, I am shocked at the speed HOT TOPICS come and go in 2018. It seems many news outlets and radio shows jump on one topic – it is absolutely everywhere. It's on the news – shared on social media – you hear about it on your drive to work – or…

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HOT Radio Topics that need guests this April!

Radio & TV shows are ALWAYS on the hunt for a great interview. The easiest way for you to get an interview is to talk about events that are already going on. Can you take one of these topics and share some fun ideas with listeners and viewers? Here are a few of topics I…

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February Interview "Hot Topics" for Radio Guests

If you are looking to get an interview with Radio or TV – piggybacking off a story is always the easiest way. If you can talk about any of the topics listed below – you have a great chance of being interviewed by your local media. Now before we dive in to February – let's…

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The Secret is in your "HELLO"

As a radio host my biggest concern when booking a guest is will they feel right for the show. There are a ton of experts but very few really know how to do an interview that's fun to listen to and also informative. Last week I booked Marsha on my show. She owns an auction…

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Off the Record – Doesn't Exist Anymore!

With all the harassment cases we’ve seen in the past few months, plus the recordings and videos surfacing with proof of wrong doing – I just want to remind you that in 2017/18 – OFF THE RECORD doesn’t exist. If you say something stupid it can possibly be used against you. Pending on your stature…

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